
In Seoul

109 백구 김지영 Baekgu / Jiyeong Kim

손으로 엮는 작업을 합니다.
어떨 땐 사람과 사물을 엮어보고 어떨 땐 기호와 사물을 엮는 방식을 고민합니다.
중심보다 주변부를 좋아하고 미끄러짐으로써 넓어지려고 노력합니다.

I do weaving work with my hands.
Sometimes I weave people and objects together, and at times I try to figure out the ways to weave signs and objects together. I have great interest in people, but have a hard time getting along easily; I create signs, but am afraid of being confined in them. I like the periphery rather than the centre, and try to expand by slipping.
